.Wednesday Must Read: Oakland Enviro Group Sues Over Toxic Nap Mats; New Bill Would Outlaw Lead Ammunition in California

Stories you shouldn’t miss:

1. An Oakland-based environmental group has sued several major retailers, including Amazon.com and Target, for selling children’s nap mats that contain toxic chemicals, the Chron reports. The group, Center for Environmental Health, noted that the mats contain chlorinated Tris, a poisonous flame retardant that was outlawed for use in children’s pajamas more than thirty years ago. The center based its lawsuit on a new Duke University study that showed that 22 of 24 nap mats bought in California and other states contain toxic flame retardants. The group also is suing retailers, including Bed Bath & Beyond, Walmart, and Babies R Us, for selling crib mattresses that contain chlorinated Tris as well.


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