music in the park san jose

.Nerd-on-Nerd Violence Over at the Epicenter

music in the park san jose

The Wired Epicenter blog is hoppin’ right now over news that PC World editor-in-chief Harry McCracken quit after a dustup with new CEO Colin Crawford who forbade him to run an article called “Ten Things We Hate About Apple.” Crawford? Well, he’d just left a job being CEO of … wait for it …. MacWorld. According to the Wired blog, Crawford “also told editors that product reviews in the magazine were too critical of vendors, especially ones who advertise in the magazine, and that they had to start being nicer to advertisers.” While there’s plenty of room here to debate journalistic ethics as well as the internecine politics of the PC World/MacWorld organizations (they’re both owned by IDG), most of the browbeating going on right now is over the same old thing: PC or Mac?
Here’s one comment, signed by someone who simply goes by “Mac Hater”:

Oh looky! All the Mac newbs come out of the woodwork with hatchets blazed. And it’s real frightening, promise.

Famously smug and self-important about your rounded corners and translucent gradients, the rest of the world (the majority) could do without the self-righteous yammering.

For those of us on the side of appropriately opinionated, factual, ethical journalism, this is a tragedy – not another peg in your pathetic war against the dominant hardware and OS of the day. If you feel important because you’re still the minority users, go ahead. We’ll let you.

Wow! We sure hope “rounded corners” and “pathetic warmongering against the dominant hardware and OS of the day” were on that list of ten things to hate about Apple!

P.S. Anyone want to bet we see the banned list on the Interwebs tout de suite, and that it ends up getting more play there than it ever would have if PC World had just published it in the first place?


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