.Is the Noose Tightening Around John Yoo?

A broad coalition of human rights groups and liberal attorneys has filed an official ethics complaint against UC Berkeley law school professor John Yoo with the Pennsylvania bar association, where he holds his law license. The coalition is seeking legal sanctions, up to and including disbarment, against Yoo and eleven other Bush-era attorneys for their roles in authorizing torture. The targeted attorneys include federal appellate court Judge Jay Bybee, who was Yoo’s boss in the Bush Justice Department, and former Defense Department Counsel William Haynes, who now works for Chevron in San Ramon, along with former Attorneys General Alberto Gonzales and Michael Mukasey. The liberal activists allege that Yoo and the other Bush lawyers violated their legal ethical duties when they brushed aside US and international laws that make torture, including waterboarding, a war crime. But will these complaints go anywhere when mainstream papers are now paying Yoo and giving him a forum to spout his extreme right-wing views?


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