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.Aquarium Age

For the week of March 26-April 1, 2008

Welcome to Pluto in Capricorn, where structures of every denomination — personal and collective as well as physical and psychic — are unmasked to reveal the bare bones of what lies behind or beneath; where wrathful deities, dressed in primary colors, challenge corruption as they simultaneously encourage authenticity; where government officials, financial institutions, and just about every other prototype of authority seem to crumble from the weight of meaningless modus operandi. It’s no wonder lots of people just want to stay in bed — it’s exhausting keeping up, let alone bearing witness to the nonstop shocking disclosures. What’s more, these bombshells strike at the core of personal survival issues and that translates into continuous tension that is stressful and wearying for the heart. After all, if an elected crime fighter can’t hold a moral center, how is a “normal” human expected to navigate the temptation to lie and cheat? And if “reputable” financial institutions can fool the pundits, advisers, and experts, how is an average citizen expected to feel safe and secure about the future? For a pessimist, Pluto in Capricorn is a perfect Henny-Penny moment: the sky is falling, and who knows what piece is going to crash to Earth next. But like a true optimist, I’m always wondering, “Where’s the pony?” Surely all this angst must have a purpose. And perhaps that purpose might be for each of us to find or refine the integrity of our individual internal moral and ethical foundation, and then to act in the world on the basis of that clarity and strength.

Fortunately, the ongoing Jupiter/Uranus sextile lends support for standing certain situations on their heads and figuring out a different way to approach persistent problems. This sextile desires the type of knowledge that supports a philosophic perspective. It also supplies the ability to stay present as you simultaneously assess future consequences. But it’s important to keep in mind that Uranus is always stirring what’s stagnant, which means relationships of every kind could get rattled where rattling is least expected. Currently, Venus and Mercury are both conjunct Uranus and trine Jupiter, a multiple alliance that packs this entire bundle with creative inspiration, a devotion to beauty, and a ton of ideas. And while the influence of this configuration can be seen as a tendency toward rash decisions based on declarations of undying affection and allegiance, romantic, political, or professional, this bundle could just as easily stir innovative thinking capable of bypassing the same-old-same-old, and instead spark a truly revolutionary approach. Something we could use right now to enliven our ability to find creative solutions.

As the week unfolds, despite the intensity of the Pluto in Capricorn signature, do your best to be an optimist. Remember, while it may not always appear to be obvious, each of us co-creates our own reality — a process best started with an attitude capable of propelling us into positive motion.

If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that, too.

Aries March 21-April l9

Think before you leap into your next step and carefully consider the consequences of your action. You’re not in danger — you’re simply being asked to be 100 percent present for your life.

TAURUS April 20-May 20

Thoughtful, creative conversations with friends catalyze a new approach — do not underestimate the importance of this perspective. It’s a potent solution to persistent difficulty.

Gemini May 21-June 21

Unforeseen or unprecedented career developments could yield positive financial returns, especially if you’re willing make an extra effort. Not every opportunity is a pot of gold, but some openings could yield good rewards.

CANCER June 22-July 22

It’s a trust exercise focused on learning how to believe more deeply in yourself. This isn’t about false bravado — it’s about knowing you have what it takes to tackle the situation and solve the problem.

Leo July 23-August 22

The financial break you’ve been waiting for might be here — but don’t go spending money you don’t have before the check clears. You don’t want to needlessly increase your deficit when what you’re looking to do is create a surplus.

Virgo August 23-September 22

Relationships take surprising twists that are directly related to your very real need for safety and security. I’m not advising you to break it off in a huff; I am suggesting staying open to the possibility of adjustments.

Libra September 23-October 22

Unpredictable work-related events challenge your ability to stay balanced. Rather than react or resist, stay flexible. This isn’t about giving up what matters to you, it’s about honoring a variety of requirements.

Scorpio October 23-November 21

The temptation might be to gamble away your winnings on a risky but attractive venture, and while I can’t quite say “no,” it would not be wise to squander your resources. Stay moderate and you’ll do quite well.

Sagittarius November 22-December 21

Deep internal rumblings alert you to a greater need for safety. Even if some of those disturbances are related to others, work from the inside out to create the security you’re craving.

Capricorn December 22-January 19

Lively conversations continue to catalyze a new attitude toward just about everything. Embrace this freethinking time, and you’ll be pleased with how easy it is to change several outdated points of view.

Aquarius January 20-February 18

It’s important to keep your own counsel regarding finances. Others may offer good advice, but you need to consider that information carefully before you act on it.

Pisces February 19-March 20

Your cup runneth over with inspiration, so don’t be shy about sharing your ideas with friends and associates. Not every stroke of genius may gather rewards, but you may be surprised by the ones that do.


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